Rangers Protocol — Integrating Real-Time Transaction Confirmations To Resolve Interaction Issues

6 min readOct 20, 2021


Whаt іѕ Rаngеrѕ Prоtосоl?

Ranger Protocol is a protocol designed to be an architecture in the virtual world of the future. The Ranger protocol provides users with a better virtual world architecture that users around the world can trust. Thе ѕоlutіоn оffеrеd of Rаngеrѕ Prоtосоl blосkсhаіn hіghреrfоrmаnсе grоuр іѕ one wіth hіgh іntеrореrаbіlіtу, whісh wіll mоrе ѕесurе рrоvіdе one аrсhіtесturе, rеѕроnѕе faster аnd bеttеr multісhаіn ѕuрроrt. Because it is known that the majority of developers today develop virtual worlds with conventional architectures and we already know that in the future, blockchasing technology will be used for different sectors worldwide. And hopefully through the Ranger Protocol, the virtual world developers around the world can get a modern block that is based on The Ranger Protocol provides developers with an architecture for a better virtual world that will surely be efficient, Errors and developed bugs. With the help of the Rangers protocol, developers can develop virtual worlds faster and maximize their impact.

What Advantages Do You Get From Rаngеrѕ Prоtосоl

The Rangers protocol aims to be the architecture of the future for the virtual world. Hеdеrе dеvеlореrѕ can dеvеlор them vіrtuаl wоrld wіth thе help оf Rаngеrѕ Prоtосоl еаѕіlу аnd mоrе rather than uѕіng ѕаfеlу оnvеntіоnаl tеоnаl The following are the features provided by the Rangers protocol:

  • The Rangers protocol allows developers to get the most out of development The Rangers protocol allows barrier-free access and path-free darps of Ethereum which is very useful for developers.
  • The Rangers Protocol allows developers to achieve an architecture with many elements that help make things better
  • The Rangers Protocol allows developers to achieve an architecture with a faster response than the conventional
  • Rangers Protocol which allows developers to achieve an architecture that supports the nft protocol. In this way, developers can further expand the capabilities of the cyberspace they develop.
  • The Ranger Protocol allows developers to get an effective VRF+BLS architecture with mechanisms that can

Here is an ARP recipe that can straightforwardly let you know the pace of return of holding $RPG:

  • APR ≈ Current conveyance sum/(normal stake degree of each recommendation nodenumber of suggestion nodes)(1+0.92)*100%
  • Daily conveyance entirety = current conveyance sum/180 days First, we ought to acknowledge the recommendation center for occasion. The essential arrange annualized pay is decided as follows:
  • Current conveyance = 588,000 RPGs (decided subordinate on 8% of the overabundance conveyance in each arrange, the degree of recommendation center points is 35%)
  • The typical stake degree of each suggestion center = 10,000 RPG Number of suggestion center points = 20 APR≈588000/(1000020) * 1.92100%= 564.48%
  • This infers that within the occasion that you just gotten to be a proposition hub, your each day annualized pace of return can be close to as tall as: ARP/365 ≈ 1.55%
  • Next, how around we examine the affirmation hubs’ to begin with period of the annualized pace of return: Current conveyance whole = 235,200 RPGs (decided subordinate on 8% of the overabundance entirety conveyed in each arrange, and the degree of check centers is 14%) Average stake entirety per affirmation center = 1000


  • 1> Composability and interoperability: One of the visions of the Rangers protocol is to develop a railroad bridge for the movement of blockchain resources and connected by a series of civil chains. Therefore, digital assets can work seamlessly between the Rangers protocol and community groups based on a decentralized model.
  • 2> Redundant Performance, Exceptional Security: Well Above Ground Stability and Extremely Random Statistics In humankind’s blockchain, irregularity and verifiability are two characteristics that are generally important for faithful random number breeding. The Rangers protocol incorporates VRF + BLS technology to generate completely unintentional numbers at the millisecond level. VRF, or certifiable random function, is the core algorithm of the legacy Rangers protocol for accurately estimating random numbers. The Rangers protocol uses BLS and VRF settings to make nodes available to work together and restore stability and security of the entire system is very possible.
  • 3> Temporality guard protocol: introduces complete nonce for transactions sent by users. The Rangers protocol determines the categorization of transaction execution by nonce. Based on this mechanism, the Rangers protocol can obtain real-time execution consequences for most transactions without the user leading you to thwart creation. The Rangers protocol provides a synchronous method for developers that is easy to understand and use.
  • 4> Ease of use: The Compatibility Rangers Protocol is a series of smart registrations similar in temperament to the Ethereum Virtual Machine. The Rangers protocol wants to simplify the organization of applications to the Rangers protocol for new and unrealized projects. Application-level


  • The Rangers protocol addresses the dangers of high-frequency transactions through the ingenious VRF+BLS
    consensus mechanism.
  • The Rangers protocol solves the barrier of information heterogeneity through cross-chain emulsion based on the
    relay chain. The Rangers protocol solves the diversity problem through the horizontal extension method.
  • The Rangers protocol solves the interaction problem through real-time confirmation of
  • what time of repeated interaction is no longer a secret because of high transaction fees and time-consuming confirmation speed, blockchain playoffs are sincerely aware of the possibilities.


RPG (Rangers Protocol Gas) is the token of the ecological unit of the Rangers Protocol. The tokens will circulate among users, developers, investors and ecological nodes. The Rangers Protocol considers token buying and betting mechanisms, import of developer poverty into assets and betting tokens for wearing and tearing the Rangers protocol. While users participate in or invest in apps that have the right to access the Rangers protocol, they must also purchase and use tokens poorly. With the expansion of the ecosystem, coupons will continue to strengthen in value. the more ecological symbol and node holders added will get a respectable fiscal cycle.


Token Name: Rangers Protocol
Token Ticker: RPG
Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
Total Supply: 21 million RPG


The Rangers 1.0 protocol, incubated by MixMarvel, is based on Ethereum’s Layer2 scalable solution, which was originally practical for the higher-end HyperDragons blockchain game. As a high-performance string type that knows how to solve multichains by reducing interoperability of EVM systems, the Rangers protocol integrates crosschain, NFT, and EVM protocols and extends this base. It allows developers to build centralized decentralized applications and adapt them to various scenarios, providing generous users with an Internet application-like experience. Protocol Rangers is the future for creating entertainment hubs.


The Ranger protocol is a platform that should be the future architecture of the virtual world. The Ranger protocol allows developers to develop virtual worlds with a more modern and reliable architecture. The Ranger protocol allows users to obtain a high security architecture, Multi-chain support, NFT protocol, real-time response and much more. Ranger Protocol is a very suitable protocol for the virtual world in the future.

Rangers Protocol Help Links :

Website: https://rangersprotocol.com/
Announcement Telegram: https://t.me/RangersProtocolAnnouncement
Telegram: https://t.me/RangersProtocol
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rangersprotocol
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rangers.Protocol
Medium: https://medium.com/rangersprotocol
Discord: https://discord.gg/2VtwvqDKUF
Gitbook: https://rangersprotocol.gitbook.io/rangersprotocol/

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Address: 0x37E60203d54afe71C605145833A86579bB1F31Bf

